About Jenny

This site you are on is my personal blog to give you a quick glimpse at some of the things I do. I share a TON more on my Instagram daily. If you are looking for materials to use to help someone with cancer or as a cancer patient yourself, Shrink the Mutant School site is for you. Click HERE to go to Shrink the Mutant School.

In December of 2017, I was diagnosed with cancer and have been entrenched ever since in researching, in helping empower others to advocate for themselves, and in diligent pursuit of holistic and integrative cancer therapies including diet, lifestyle, and alternative & complementary treatments. As someone in the “5 under 40” demographic, I understand what it’s like to be one of the youngest people in the waiting room at the cancer clinic and how we get to sort through the multitude of information at our fingertips that helps us seek out ways we can best support our overall wellness in the midst of a chronic disease.

As I share my story, tips, and tools here, I hope to inspire others in bravely speaking up for themselves, in finding a best fit in medical care for her/his individual needs, in elucidating how alternative treatments work, and in educating others in options that benefit one’s total wellness whether a person has cancer or not.

Sharing what I’ve learned is inescapable for me, just ask my husband, Mike! He is my closest supporter and daily encouragement. Together, we hope this site brings hope and light to you!

Join me on my instagram @shrinkthemutant where I update everyday, especially through stories, and give you a closer glimpse of how-to’s, hacks, and helping someone with cancer or chronic illness.


You alone are responsible for you actions. Taking ownership and being intentional with what you choose to do with your health is a victorious step on the wellness path. The content of this website is informational and only for education and entertainment. It should not be taken as medical advice. I do not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any illness or disease. I share my story. Please contact your appropriate practitioner for personalized consultation.