Cancer Treatments in the Midst of Corona Craze

Hiiiieeee from over here in cancer treatment world. Happening even in the midst of Spring 2020 adventures we call the pandemic.

I’m also in the midst of a bunch of lab work. A different test each week over the past month. (Gotta spread out those pokes & expenses.) These vials, pictured with my phlebotomist pal Amanda, will let us know my circulating tumor cell (CTC) count and biomarkers.

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cells that have detached from a primary tumor and circulate in the bloodstream. CTCs may travel to other areas and create new tumors in different tissues or organs (metastases). So, we obviously pray against high numbers of CTCs and ask for clearing of the CTCs, that those numbers keep going down as they have been and for them to be dead CTCs! I continue to welcome your prayers as we get closer and closer to remission!

It’s been interesting to watch the clinic guidelines change each week. I appreciate them continuing to be generously cautious as caregivers for all of our immune health issues. And I can’t wait for my slightly daintier 😷 masks arriving soon, so I don’t have to act like a ninja.

Thanks for your prayers & support! ❤️😘