Learning New Skills through Counseling

Sometimes you pull over into a parking lot and set up shop to do your COUNSELING video call. And by you, I mean me. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m sharing this because counseling is so BENEFICIAL that I will shout it from the rooftops, or in this case honk it from the car horn 🤣 BEEP BEEP!

I love having a neutral third party who teaches me SKILLS and gives me TOOLS to support my well being, hence a notebook 📓 for me to look over again and again when I need reminded of the how-to’s and important points.

It’s amazing how quiet and private a car can be for processing through things with a coach. Think about all the ways we pay people to help us, why wouldn’t we pay someone to help our 🙇🏻‍♀️ minds and emotional wellness?! Life is messy and it helps having someone trained to process it with.

Who else LOVES getting some good counseling sessions in?! What’s one of your favorite things about counseling?
