Matcha and Multiple Modalities

Mornings start with my pink drink, probiotic, and then my Matcha Latte Routine, sometimes paired with the fat ball and magic beans 😂 as I’ve started to call those shiny white pills. I also call them my “tumor tamers”. The main doctors I work with believe in a multi-modalities approach, meaning we do all kinds of stuff to heal my entire terrain, not just burn the garden down for 1 weed. Multiple modalities (a multifaceted approach) means we get a more synergistic effect over the long haul. It might take longer than the 3 traditional routes (which 2 of the 3 won’t work in my specific case) to see big results in the mutant shrinking, but there’s plenty of academic research and tons of testimonies over the years that a more holistic approach has great outcomes!