Now I Make Homemade Crackers? Who am I?!

I have a question for you! What’s something you do now that 5 years ago you would have giggled at the idea that you’d be doing it?

One of mine is that I am making my own milk (because I don’t drink dairy anymore) and making things with the pulp from the @almondcow. I make tasty crackers from scratch! My 5-years-ago self would be so shocked!!! What about you?!

P.S. I love our Almond Cow! I’ve been using it since 2018. And I have a code available for you to get a discount. When you use my referral code, you get the discount and I get a store credit that I can use to get more nuts to make more milk and crackers or muffins or flatbread or coffeecake…or the list goes on! Here’s the link to get my discount code:

The nut pulp cracker dough is rolled out and cut into snack size squares.
Olive oil and Bragg’s Sprinkle is spread on top before baking them in the oven.
I use the Almond Cow Everything Bagel Cracker recipe as the base for my Herb Crackers. Instead of using Everything Bagel seasoning, I use Bragg’s Organic Sprinkle seasoning.