One Pan Anti-Cancer Meal

Need a one-pan, simple meal that uses some veggies from the fridge? Ta-da!

The simplicity of this is that there’s not an exact recipe. The ease is just to chop some veggies, heat them up together in one pan with some simple seasonings, and serve them all together in one bowl as the entree. It’s a straightforward meatless meal.

For one entree: I cut up part of an onion, half a carrot, 4 large Brussels sprouts, 1 portobello Mushroom, part of a red pepper, some purple sweet potato, cabbage, broccoli sprouts, and parsley. And I used a pinch of minced garlic I had in the fridge.

Add the onion to the pan with some avocado oil. (Avoid inflammatory oils like canola and vegetable. I use avocado oil because it has a high heat point that allows it to cook at higher temps with going rancid or putting off toxic air.)

After the onion has started to caramelize, I threw the garlic in the pan & stirred it around for about 30 sec before adding the chopped mushroom. I let that sit with the lid on for a few mins before adding in the root veggies then Brussels sprouts. This is when I season all the veggies with black pepper and Braggs Sprinkle.

The chopped cabbage and red pepper doesn’t take long to cook, so I let them join in the pan fun towards the end.

After it’s all heated up enough to let a fork go through the potatoes and Brussels sprouts, I use tongs to put it all in a bowl. Tonight, I went all out and placed some rice on the bottom for the fun of it. 🤣 I topped it with a few dashes of coconut aminos (you could use organic soy sauce if you’re not working on healing your thyroid), broccoli sprouts, and parsley.
