
Jump directly to T-shirt fundraiser site:

During Breast Cancer Awareness month & beyond you see lots of pink products and you’re likely asked while checking out at different stores if you’d like to donate to the cause. May I be so bold to encourage you to support a breast cancer patient (me) directly instead of giving to a company.

As many of you know, the majority of my (Jenny) cancer procedures and treatments have not been covered by health insurance and have almost all been paid out-of-pocket for nearly three years. As we continue on this healing journey, any encouragement through cheerful words and tangible gifts is greatly appreciated. Now, I am recovering from cryoablation that is helping shrink and kill the mutant! But I still continue all my other cancer treatments to squash the circulating tumor cells and help my post-surgery wound care.

While it is GREAT NEWS to have these non-toxic ways to heal from cancer, the on-going cost of my treatments are not covered by insurance. This journey over more than 35 months has given me a BIG HEART for others who want to use more integrative and holistic therapies during their cancer path. This has led me to create a t-shirt fundraising campaign for THIS WEEK ONLY that will help cover some of my treatments, will be gifted to some other of my fellow patients at my clinic, and will help me work towards covering the fees of starting a nonprofit to equip & support holistic cancer patients like me.

Here’s an easy and quick way to show support by joining our efforts by donating through the t-shirt fundraiser. You can choose your apparel type and donate or just give a donation through the fundraiser site:

I got to take Polly, my IV pole, outside for a quick spin for some pics on a nice day!

You can continue to follow our journey on @shrinkthemutant on Instagram.

We are thankful for each and every gift and pray blessings for you!

For those of you who contributed by ordering shirts to support us, you should receive your shipment and delivery info from Custom Ink. Make sure to post a pic on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #shrinkthemutant and tell us where in the world you are wearing it!

Thank you for your support!

-Jenny & Mike