Two Years of On-Going Cancer Treatment

This week marks • TWO YEARS • of on-going cancer treatment.

Would you humor me in allowing me to re-introduce myself, with two years of living with cancer under my belt?

My name is Jenny. I’m a child of God who puts my hope in the abundant life, here and in eternity, found in Jesus Christ. My comforter is Holy Spirit who guides me along the way through all the life-with-cancer decisions.

I’ve learned it’s up to me to build my medical team, which also includes interviewing docs before choosing them and even firing a few. With the help of Holy Spirit and in unity with my husband Mike, we work hard to have a trustworthy team from whom we gain their specialized perspectives.

Getting my IVC at Riordan Clinic

Although I’m specific about my word choice and don’t use the words “fighter” or “fighting cancer”, I am not afraid to stand up for myself and advocate for my life. Literally. I’m not afraid to look a doctor, nurse, medical tech or assistant in the eye and politely tell them they will poke me here not there, or I will have this not that, or that we will not be choosing that medication or procedure at this time. I’m not afraid to ask questions and ask for what I believe I may need at the time. While I may not get everything my way all of the time, at least I know I stood up for myself. I refuse to be codependent to the system.

I feel a little weird when people say, “You’re so strong.” I’d rather have people tell me how I’ve inspired them to stand strong advocating for themselves in whatever the situation might be, health or otherwise. I want people to believe there are ways to thrive regardless of their situation.

I hope as you see my posts and stories that you will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered in your journey, whether you are dealing with cancer or not. I’m a nerd who loves to read and bring you information that I hope helps you understand more about how to heal cancer more holistically, how you can help someone you love who has cancer, and ways you can have a less toxic & anticancer lifestyle.

Thank you for joining me on my healing journey!
