Why Shrink the Mutant?!

Did you know there’s • TWO reasons • I named this whole thing “Shrink the Mutant” (STM for short)?!

Most of you know the 1️⃣st reason is because the name has to do with my CANCER journey. Cancer cells are MUTATED cells. They aren’t foreign invaders; they are a person’s own cells which have undergone changes the body can’t keep up with in order to get them out of the system.

For solid malignant tumors, like what I deal with, the idea is to SHRINK the mass of cancer cells and eventually eliminate them as the body gets back into better balance & can kick those mutated cells out! 💪🏼 Therefore, I work hard to Shrink the Mutant of a cancerous tumor through multiple integrative modalities 🌱🍵🏥🍊, that for the past 2+ years have NOT included chemo, radiation, or traditional surgery. (And look at me still alive and thriving! At last scan, my tumor had shrunk 70% cumulatively. Everyone’s journey is different and you won’t get any judgement from me if you or a loved one does the traditional 3. This is a positive vibe place! 😁)

Speaking of positive vibes, reason 2️⃣ goes beyond cancer and into helping all of us OVERCOME whatever MUTANTS are in our lives. Something you might not know about me is that I’m a seminary grad, which means I’m academically educated in theology, ministry, Christian leadership, and spiritual wellness (along with philosophy). I believe we have bodies designed to heal and that we can be victorious in so many areas of life as we align body, mind, spirit, and soul. I hope to help empower you to confidently support your overall wellness by having a better understanding of nutrition, resources, tools, and insights & that you can in-turn advocate for yourself & your loved ones even more!

Thanks for being here along my STM journey! I hope you enjoy the ride & learn something that inspires and empowers you! 😊🤓😍

This site you are on is my personal blog to give you a quick glimpse at some of the things I do. I share a TON more on my Instagram daily. If you are looking for materials to use to help someone with cancer or as a cancer patient yourself, Shrink the Mutant School site is for you. Click HERE to go to Shrink the Mutant School.
